What type of Organization is Tharros One?
Tharros One is a Massachusetts 501c3 registered non-profit. This means we operate as a business that has no shareholders, stakeholders or collected profit. The donations and funding we receive are used strictly for operations and logistics of our services.
Can I receive a tax write off for donating?
Please consult a tax rep or financial advisor for all financial advice. Tharros One can extend a tax receipt for any donations that can be used to offset taxes. Please reach out to admin@tharros.one for any tax receipt requests.
Is Human Trafficking that big of an issue?
Here are some quick statistics to show how large human trafficking is:
49.6 million victims trapped in modern-day slavery. (27.6 - in forced labor + 17.3 mil in forced marriage)
Human Trafficking is a 150+ billion dollar a year industry.
Human Trafficking touches every corner of the world. Even in the US.
What can I do now to protect myself?
1.) Tharros One teaches online courses - message here to set up a custom program.
2.) Many organizations such as the Human trafficking institute and Polaris have free online prevention courses.
3.) keep your eyes of your phone and scan around when moving from location to location - this one step will deter most aggressors.
How can I help combat trafficking?
1.) Donate to our cause, you will directly be fudning rescue operations and enginnering efforts to help refugees in trafficking.
2.) educate yourself on current humanitarian issues and trafficking issues to be aware, spread that awareness.
3.) Support fair trade brands that don’t exploit people for labor - use good on you to see A+ rated brands.